
heaven right here

When I went home to visit family this holiday, my grandparents had a wonderful surprise. My grandmother, in her 88th year and feeling more tired and weak each day, had written a lively rouser of a protest song! As a Christmas present to her, my grandfather invited folk singer Larry Long to their house to put the words to music. I am thrilled and proud to say, the result was fantastic.

Here are the original lyrics (the recorded version will be included on Larry Long's forthcoming album - we'll see whether he uses the version with my grandma singing back-up):

I talked to God the other day,
And one thing God made clear
"You say you love heaven
And you want to go to heaven.
Why don't you have yourself
A heaven down here?"

"But I wanna get to heaven,
Wanna sit on a cloud,
Wanna dance and sing and laugh out loud."
"Don't be silly," the Good Lord said,
"Heaven's here and now, not when you're dead.

"Heaven's no more exploitation,
Freedom from all domination.
Heaven's the beauty of the earth,
Perfect joy in each new birth.

"So do away with corporate greed,
Give clothes and shelter to those in need.
Stop the war, feed the poor,
And we'll have a little heaven right here."
(audience: "Right here, right now!")
Yes, we'll all have heaven down here.


holiday cheer

I secretly would love to get on a soap box every once in a while, but my lowly place as a customer service representative doesn't really allow me to do this in any of my daily interactions. But, if I could, here is what I would say:

1. As privileged folks living on this planet, I would like to see the people around me show a bit more love. When you live a life as comfortable as ours, you are blessed with the ability to open your heart to other human beings and give - anything, time, money, a smile. Please consider passing one of these along.

2. Life is not a fight - for many of us, at least. I know, living in a big city where there are long lines and traffic and lots of demand for a limited supply of things, it is easy to forget that we are all just trying to survive. Don't fight it, go with it - accept the stress, rise above it, move on. Think about and celebrate what you do have - health, life, something to eat, internet access...

3. Most importantly, people, there is a war going on. Please, please, do not forget this. There is pain and conflict and suffering, and people in the thickest throes of it are finding ways to be joyful this holiday season. Let's take a step back and consider our problems in this light.

These days are blessed and short. Let's fill them with joy, not stress. Ok?



I think sometimes our skin likes to remind us that we are alive, and that our souls are physically linked to our bodies. Goosebumps are one of those reactions you can't control, they just happen - when you are so moved, that you can literally feel an emotion physically. It's wonderful.

(It is a fluffy-snowy day and I'm sitting in the window feeling corny. Forgive me.)